Kyushu Okinawa


Unspolied paradise in an emerald blue sea

Awake today in your own personal paradise.
The small and little known KERAMA archipelago of 22 islands just off the mainland of Okinawa are a stunning mostly uninhabited slice of heaven. The main island is Zamami, but all are spectacular.
Paddleboard, kayak, jetski or just wander the beach at your own leisurely pace and enjoy the crystal-clear waters and secluded beaches this area has to offer. Wander the tiny village on Zamami Island for a glimpse of local island style, tiny boutiques and small restaurants mingle with houses of the local residents.Great anchorages and moorings throughout the islands.
Also at certain times of the year, the Pacific Humpback whale makes these waters its home, closely monitored and protected, there is a great chance to see these whales at play.


Zamami Village is made up of three inhabited islands; Zamami island, Aka island and Geruma island. Each with distinct characteristics and charms.


Kozamami Beach having a variety of colorful tropical fish and corals the best place for snorkeling


Whale watching the end of December to the beginning of April, Whales come to the warm and calm sea of Zamami


Shisa there seem to be no rules about their appearance from traditional to modern ones in an arrange of colors.