Kyushu Okinawa


Naples of the East ~ home to the great volcanoes

Kagoshima lies directly beneath the Sakurajima volcano in the Kirishima-Kinkowan National Park. Sakurjima erupts regularly sending up plumes of ash above the city. Before you disembark the yacht your onshore excursion options consist of the Kamikaze museum at Chiran, which was one of the Kamikaze bases at the end of WWII. This museum talks about the reasons why the Kamikaze tactic was used, who the pilots were and their stated goal to prevent such a tactic ever being used again. We will also have the option to visit Ibusuki, a wonderful Hot Spring with naturally heated volcanic sand. The yacht can anchor or tie up at the fishermen’s dock. Nearby is Kaimondake a spectacular volcano which usually takes four or 5 hours to climb, it can be done in a day. So what better way to finish after climbing Kaimondake, than to relax your tired muscles in a luxury steaming hot black sand bath!


Mt. Sakurajima the 1,117-meter-high volcano located only four kilometers away from the city of Kagoshima


Sengen-en Garden Built in 1658 as one of the residences of the Shimazu clan that ruled over this area.


Kaimondake known as Satsuma Fuji for its resemblance to Japan's most iconic mountain.


Sand Bath Lie in a sand pit and be buried up to your neck in hot volcanic sand for a rapid detox.


Chiran Peace Museum deliver messages of tragedy of war and the dignity of peace and life