Kyushu Okinawa


A time capsule of traditional Ryukyu culture and architecture

Today we will visit the stunning little island of Taketomi by tender, with trails of white sand, flowers peaking out from stone walls, and homes with red tile roofs -this sleepy traditional Okinawan town still remains strongly intact. In 1987 the island was designated a National Important Preservation Area for groups of Historic Buildings. A wagon drawn by water buffalo will take you around the beautiful island reminiscent of yesteryear. Taketomi has stunning waters and beaches and lots of fabulous places to play. Ashore eat fabulous fresh seafood in the small local restaurants


Kondoi Beach located on the westernmost of the Island and it is a beautiful crescent shaped.


Water Buffaro Tour 30min-tour in a traditional rig pulled a buffalo with the guide serenades


The townscape of Taketomi Limestone walls decorated with hibiscus and bougainvillea, skirt wooden houses with their roofs made from traditional red tiles


Shisa the guardian lions are fund everywhere in Okinawa.