Kyushu Okinawa


The country's first UNESCO World Heritage site, home to the best natural wonders

The entire islands of Yakushima is a UNESCO World Heritage site and has its own micro climate distinct from the other islands nearby. It is one of the wettest places on earth with 4-10 metres of rain each year! We shall explore its rainforest and visit the island famous for its Yakusugi trees, a member of the Cypress family which are very long-lived. We have the option to hike to the oldest tree, which is estimated to be 7,000 years old. If its age is ever verified at the higher end, it could well be the oldest living tree on earth. Taking in the natural beauty of this island world treasure is a once in a lifetime experience. If you want to experience some pampering then the Sankara hotel&spa Yakushima is one of the most amazing private and secluded hotels in the world.


Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine A clear day reveals Shiratani Unsuikyo Ravine at its best with sunlight on the rocks and mosses


Jomonsugi Cedar the oldest cedar’s exact age estimates from 2,700 to 7,000!


Okonotaki Falls 88-metre waterfall ranked in the Top 100 Best Waterfalls in Japan, Visitors can approach the basin of the falls


Yaku Monkeys in Seibu Rindo Forest Path


SPA in Sankara hotel&spa Yakushima