Kyushu Okinawa


The last place in Japan to see the setting sun

Cruise over to Yonaguni where lies the mysterious and world famous Yonaguni Monuments, large underwater structures that are believed to have once been part of a fabled ancient Pacific civilization known as Mu. The structures are said to include the ruins of a castle, a triumphal arch, five temples, and at least one large stadium, all of which are connected by roads and water channels and are partly shielded by what could be huge retaining walls. Estimated at over 10,000 years old, there is still debate whether the site is completely natural or man-made, but it is theorized by scientists that this was likely above water this long ago. A local Westerner Guide with vast experience diving this area and assisting with television documentaries can be made available to guide your guests.


Tindabana A natural observatory with an altitude of 85m overlooking the Sono village and East China Sea


Yonaguni Monument length approx.100 meters, a width approx..60 meters, and aheight approx.. 25 meters.


Yonaguni Monument A lost civilizaition?


Irizaki the westernmost island of Japan


Yonaguni Horses standing just one meter tall and roam free on the island