Kyushu Okinawa


A haven of sea and sand

To the more Northern side of stunning AmamiOshima is Amami town where we can dock at the town dock. The island is of volcanic origin, with Mount Yuwanda at 605 meters (1,985ft) above sea level at its highest peak, while the coasts are surrounded by beautiful coral reefs. Archeology indicates that people first settled here over 16,000 years ago. Most of the Island is National Park and Amami has beautiful deep fjord like inlets which are fantastic for anchoring and using as a base to explore by tender or Kayak. The Island is famous for is distillation of Shochu, which is drunk all over Japan. The stunning hills and forests offer a wealth of natural history experiences ashore, while in town local life continues with fabulous local restaurants, food, and islands crafts.


Amami town viewed from Mt.Ogami Naze -main urban district of Amami City


Oshima Strait & Kakeroma island viewed from Kochiyama observatory


Amami Mangrove Forest Japan's second-largest mangrove forest spreads along the central coast.


Heart Rock a heart-shaped tidal pool on the eastern coast of Akaogi community in Tatsugo


Coral reefs of Aon