

The gateway to the Seto Inland Sea

We move down to Takamatsu where one of Japan’s oldest shrines, The Kompira Shrine, is dedicated to the Shinto god of Seafarers.
For the energetic the 785 granite steps will lead you to Kompira, where the Shinto Priests will bless your ship and Kompira will give you protection while voyaging on the sea.
We will also have arranged a guided tour by the Museum Curator at the Isamu Noguchi Garden Art Museum. Isamu Noguchi was one of the most important sculptors of his time.
Takamatsu is also home to the worldwide acclaimed Ritsurin Gardens completed in 1745, a wonderful way to end the day with a serene walk through these spectacular gardens.
A visit to Takamatsu Castle built in the mid-1500’s is also available, surrounded by gardens and park it has been the scene of many battles and intrigue in the history of feudal Japan.


Kotohiragu Shrine Conquering the 785-step approach to Kotohiragu Shrine, dedicated to sailors and seafaring


Panoramic view from Kotohiragu Shrine


Ritsurin Park Set against the backdrop of Mt. Shuin, the park features six ponds and 13 landscaped hills.


Ruins of Takamatsu Castle known around Japan for being one of the only three castles which has a moat that is directly connected to the sea