

A place defined by peace

Itsukutsuhima Shrine on Miyajima, opposite the city of Hiroshima is considered the most holy place in Japan. You will be taken on a tender around the “Floating Shrine”, and enjoy an walk around this sacred area.
Later tender up the river to the heart of Hiroshima and visit the Peace Museum, Children’s Peace Park and the A-bomb Dome probably one of the simplest and most evocative monuments anywhere to a moment in time that changed the course of human history, and a humbling, once in a life time experience.
A short walk brings you to Shukkei-en Garden, built over 400 years ago. It now welcomes guests year-round, with a carefully selected flowers and greenery to ensure there is always something spectacular to see.


Itsukushima Shrine Dedicated to gods that protect people from sea disasters and wars, the shrine was thought to have been built in 593.


Miyajima only has a population of around 2,000 people, plus some free-roaming deer.


Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Dome One of the only structures that wasn't completely leveled


Hiroshima peace Memorial Park The Peace Flame has been burning since it was first lit in 1964; the flame will continue to burn until the world is free of nuclear weapons.


Shukkeien Garden The oldest Japanese garden in Hiroshima City, constructed in the Edo period