

A place of great historical and cultural significance

Once again we are off the beaten path at the ‘back of Japan’, out of the Inland Sea through the Shimonoseki Straits and into the Sea of Japan. Hagi is a largely unknown preserved Samurai town, lucky to have escaped a number of natural and manmade disasters. We will spend the morning strolling the narrow streets and visiting old Samurai residences bordered by waterways. Not to be missed in Hagi is “Hagiyaki” the local pottery regarded as some of Japan’s finest and is widely collected all over the world. On our return to the boat we will make a stop at Tokoji Buddhist temple where the gravesites of feudal Lords lay surrounded by hundreds of lanterns in the forest.


Hagi A well- preserved castle town where we can use antique maps from Edo period


Tokoji Temple stone lanterns honor the spirits of the ruling Mori clan lords


Hiyakokaimagari the street which gives the illusion of a dead end, typical for a castle touwn


Aibagawa Waterway / the Yukawa Family Former Residence


Motonosumi Shrines selected byCNN Travel as one of the 31 Most Beautiful Places in Japan