

Island of Art

Today’s visit is all about art as you find the boat anchored off the “Art Island”, NaoShima. Here you will visit the Chichu Art Museum which houses permanent exhibitions of Claude Monet, Walter De Maria and James Turrell.
Unusually the town itself is also part of the museum with some of the homes having been transformed into “Art Space”. Designed by Tadao Ando, the museum is located on one of the highest points of the island, and various exhibits and facets of the museum's architecture take advantage of its commanding view.
The fascinating Benesse House of Modern Art is also here, here you unexpectedly encounter works of art, not just in the galleries but in all parts of the building as well as the seashore and nearby forest. The island is hilly and there are some beautiful beaches, so hiking, cycling and beach activities are plentiful here.


“Red Pumpkin” ©Yayoi Kusama,2006 Naoshima Miyanoura Port Square
Photo/Daisuke Aochi


Naoshima one of the most remarkable art and architecture destinations in the world.


Naoshima Pavilion  Owner:Naoshima Town Architect:Sou Fujimoto Architects Photo/Jin Fukuda


if you place a stone or pine cone on top of the gate, it will bring you a luck, that’s why you see lots of small things on the Torii Gate.