

Kyoto by the sea

In the north of Kyoto prefecture, you’ll find Amanohashidate, one of Japan's "Three Scenic Views", an iconic land bridge that straddles the Japanese Sea and Miyazu Bay. The land bridge itself has 5,700 pine trees of all different varieties with beaches on both sides spanning 3.6km. From one of the scenic overlooks, you can get a unique perspective of the scene by looking upside-down between your legs. The sea and bay reflect the sky and the pine forest turns into a winding green dragon crossing the heavens.
Ine is the small town with the population of 2,200, tucked tightly between the mountains and Ine Bay. it is famous for its unique funaya, or boat houses. These wooden buildings sit right on the water and serve as both dock and home for the fishermen of the village. Around 230 funaya remain today, stretching along five kilometers of the coastline. A few are minshuku, or guest houses, provide an authentic peek into a life of the fisherman today.




Viewed from Amanohashidate View Land in spring


Ine Funaya


The boats are housed in the first floor, with the second floor serving as the dwelling area