Two small islands off Hokkaido’s northmost point
Rishiri and Rebun are fondly known as “The Floating Islands of Flowers” due to the 300 plus species of wildflowers that grow here.
Mt Rishiri stands at 1,721m high in the very centre of the island and much like Fuji san rises in up in a cone shape. With the crisp clear air this far north the approach to the island is spectacular. Choose between low impact hiking, a guided hike to the summit (approx. 12 hr) or cycling the 25km track along the coastline and forest areas.
The sunsets this far north are known to be a spectacular, the perfect time for dinner on the aft deck.
Forget you are in Japan as the boat cruises the eastern coast of Rebun and anchors in a protected northern bay with views only of rugged cliffs, green hills and a sleepy village. Choose from various hiking courses of up 8 hours, or take a drive around the island stopping at a local flower garden and making a stop at a local sea urchin harvesting farm. Here you will be given the opportunity to break open a sea urchin and eat it in it’s freshest state –divine

Mt.Rishiri one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan, can enjoy the elevation difference from 0m above sea level to 1,719m at the summit at once, and the 360-degree sea is also superb.

Ezo Kanzo it is a "one-day flower" that blooms in the morning and closes in the evening, but in rare cases it may continue to bloom for two days.

Rebun Island in the northernmost tip of Japan. You can enjoy trekking in peace on Rebun as there are no brown bears nor snakes on the island.

Rebun atsumoriso(Cypripedium marcanthum var. rebunense) Rebun is an island of flowers where you can see alpine plants at sea level that elsewhere you might only be able to see at altitudes of 1,500 to 2,000 meters.

Sea Urchin Grown in the severe north sea, these sea urchins have a reputation for being incredibly tasty.

Rishiri Kombu(Rishiri Kelp) one of the island’s notabl products . Kombu Kelp drying on the sands can be found in summer.