Hidden gems - inspiring festivals & rich nature
If your visit to Aomori falls between August 2nd - 7th prepare to be dazed by the Nebuta Matsuri. Every night oversized lantern floats depicting historical and mythical creatures are carried round the city by dancers shouting “Rassera”, the size, detail and number of these floats is nothing short of breath-taking, an experience most Japanese long for.
Other highlights of this area include the Inakadate Rice Fields approximately a 40 min drive inland. In 1993 as part of a revitalisation project the town came up with Rice Paddy Art. Every year fields in front of the City Office are planted with a variety of natural rice grains whose varied color grow to depict a piece of art, a tower has been erected on top of the office for viewing of this incredible artwork.
20 mins on from Inakadate is the Castle town of Hirosaki. Built in the 17th century the 3 storied Castle is triple moated and a designated Important Cultural Property. In close vicinity to the Castle and grounds are Merchant and Samurai residences from the Edo-era along with Kawasaki Dye Works where you may try your hand at traditional natural indigo dyeing

Nebuta Festival held every August 2 to 7

The parade is held at night throughout the festival Mmore than 3 million people come to visit each year.

Rice Paddy Art Created on the rice paddy field, made out of colored rice stalks.

Hirosaki Castle well known today for its spectacular cherry blossoms (more than 2,600 in total)

Hirosaki Park in autumn